
Showing posts from June, 2011

InfoPath cannot find or cannot access the following web server

I recently had a user state they could not publish an InfoPath form to a SharePoint Form library that was not setup for InfoPath Forms Services. Since that required an Enterprise CAL it was not enabled until a license was purchased. During the troubleshooting I walked through their form and verified it was set to the correct Compatibility level. I went into the Form Library that was created and verified "Open in Client Application" was also selected, but each time the error was that InfoPath couldn't find the server. Having reproduced this on several sites and even different web applications and several farms, I knew it had to be either proxy or network related. I've seen numerous post about that exact error, but could not pinpoint a fix. I progressed down the path of it being a proxy issue, a LAN setting, etc., but I was wrong! A big clue came when I notice the "New Document" was active even though I had not published a Form yet. When I clicked on i

SharePoint 2010 Spell Check Not Working?

I recently had an issue where Spell Check was not working for any site, any site collection or any web app in SharePoint 2010. It also occurred in two different SharePoint farms. The error message was "The spelling check cannot be completed because there is no dictionary installed for the current language." and occurred in any list item or page where spell check was an option. Although you can enable/disable the Spell Checker feature in Central Admin in Manage Farm Features, it was already Activated. Deactivating and re-Activating did not resolve it. A few other posts I read indicated it may be a permissions issue relating to the SharePoint permission levels, but those turned out to be a dead end as well The ultimate fix was actually file permissions on the server. I did not have the local "Users" group granted Read access on the Program Files folder where SharePoint was installed. I granted that group this right, did and IISRESET an SharePoint Spell Chec